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PLAS Assessment Collaborators

The PLAS collaborates with the following national assessment programs to assist them in conducting comprehensive, tailored assessments of physicians' medical knowledge, clinical judgment and patient management skills. The tools provided by PLAS complement these programs' other performance-based methods of assessment, such as medical record reviews, peer (preceptor) assessment and feedback, patient evaluations and case-based evaluations of physician care. 
Information about obtaining an assessment through these collaborators can be obtained directly from the programs through the contact information provided below. Physicians can obtain an assessment via self-referral or third-party referral (e.g., state medical board, physician practice, hospital, other healthcare entity). 

  • Albany Medical College in New York 
  • The Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP) 
  • Drexel Medicine® Physician Refresher/Re-Entry Course 
  • LifeGuard 
  • Physician Assessment and Clinical Education Program (PACE) at UCSD 
  • Texas A&M University 
  • University of Florida 

Please feel free to contact FSMB if you have any questions: 817-868-4041, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Central Time), or via e-mail at 

NOTE: Programs are listed in alphabetical order by state.  

Physician Assessment and Clinical Education Program (PACE)

UCSD School of Medicine
1899 McKee Street, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 543-6770 Office

Contact: Kaden Segren


Length: 3-5 days


Cost: $16,000 - $19,000

Final Report: Four (4) weeks following completion of all program components

Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams including CCS/TSR
  • 360 assessment
  • Oral clinical exam
  • Medical record/chart review
  • Practice profile
  • History & Physical Skills exam
  • Health exam & Cognitive function screening
  • Exit interview
  • Clinical Observation with UC San Diego  Faculty (matched by specialty)
  • Clinical Skills Simulation(s) - various specialties
  • Final grade and recommendations specific to each individual participant.


Possible recommendations include:

  • Specific CME courses 
  • Proctoring of practice or cases
  • Ongoing, on-site, in-practice medical record and practice monitoring and insight (PEP Program)
  • Customized CME
  • Independent self-study

CME Courses:

  • Medical Record Keeping
  • Prescribing
  • Anger Management
  • Professional Boundaries
  • Communication Workshop
  • Customized CME Programs (developed for specific needs)


The Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP)
720 South Colorado Blvd., Suite 1100-N
Denver, Colorado 80246
(303) 577-3232 Office

Contact: Elizabeth Korinek, MPH


 1-2 days


Cost:  $9,000 - $14,000


Final Report: approx. 8 weeks


Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams (No Primum/CCS/TSR)
  • COMVEX exam
  • Matched specialty clinical interviews (more than 250 community and university-based board-certified physicians)
  • Review of patient charts (20-40 charts from practice)
  • Fetal Monitor Strip interpretation
  • ECG Interpretation
  • Simulated patient encounter and review of progress notes
  • Cognitive function screening
  • Review of health information
  • Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Exam (appropriate to practice)
  • Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES) Exam (appropriate to practice)
  • “Difficult Airway Simulation” (appropriate to practice)
  • Emergency Medicine Simulation (appropriate to practice) 


Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Offers customized education intervention including development of education plan, monitoring of progress and regular reports to referring organization. Education activities arranged in participant's home community.
  • Education remediation takes from 6-12 months, depending on needs.

Other Programs:

  • Reentry into Clinical Practice Program (RCP)
  • Practice Monitoring

CME Courses:

  • Medical Record Keeping Seminar
  • ProBE/Ethics - Ethics and Boundaries Program
  • Prescribing Controlled Drugs: Critical Issues and Common Pitfalls©
  • Improving Inter-Professional Communication: Working Effectively in Medical Teams
  • Advanced Skills in Clinician -Patient Communication 

Florida Competency Advancement Program

P.O. Box 100277
Gainesville, FL 32610
(352) 273-9063 Office



 2-3 days


Cost:  varies; dependent on assessment needs


Final Report: 8-10 weeks


Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams
  • Chart stimulated recall Exam
  • Standardized Patient Examination
  • Psychological Evaluation


Assessments are tailored based on circumstances and specialty.

Follow-Up Education Options:


  • Specific CME recommendations
  • Recommendations for supervision of practice (variable levels)
  • Experiential learning
  • Psychiatric/psychological treatment for identified mental illness (if one is identified)

New York
Upstate New York Comprehensive Clinical Competency Center at Albany Medical College

MC #33
47 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
(518) 264-0874 Office
(518) 262-1802 Fax



 1-2 days


Cost:  $9500


Final Report: 8-12 weeks


Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams including CCS/TSR
  • Standardized patient and recall
  • Chart stimulated recall discussion
  • Test stimulated discussion
  • Cognitive function screening

Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Varies based on participant's need

North Carolina
The Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP)

222 N. Person Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 238-6436 Office

Contact: Bill O'Neill, MBA


 1-2 days


Cost:  $9,000 - $14,000


Final Report: approx. 8 weeks


Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams (No Primum/CCS/TSR)
  • COMVEX exam 
  • Matched specialty clinical interviews (more than 250 community and university-based board-certified physicians)
  • Review of patient charts (20-40 charts from practice)
  • Fetal Monitor Strip interpretation
  • ECG Interpretation
  • Simulated patient encounter and review of progress notes
  • Cognitive function screening
  • Review of health information
  • Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Exam (appropriate to practice)
  • Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES) Exam (appropriate to practice)
  • “Difficult Airway Simulation” (appropriate to practice)
  • Emergency Medicine Simulation (appropriate to practice) 


Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Offers customized education intervention including development of education plan, monitoring of progress and regular reports to referring organization. Education activities arranged in participant's home community.
  • Education remediation takes from 6-12 months, depending on needs.

Other Programs:

  • Reentry into Clinical Practice Program (RCP)
  • Practice Monitoring

CME Courses:

  • Medical Record Keeping Seminar
  • ProBE/Ethics - Ethics and Boundaries Program
  • Prescribing Controlled Drugs: Critical Issues and Common Pitfalls©
  • Improving Inter-Professional Communication: Working Effectively in Medical Teams
  • Advanced Skills in Clinician -Patient Communication 

Drexel Medicine® Physician Refresher/Re-Entry Course

Continuing Medical Education
Drexel University College of Medicine
1505 Race Street
Bellet Building, 11th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 762-2580 Office

Contact: Cynthia Johnson


 Preceptorship is offered in 6 week blocks. The recommended duration varies – i.e., 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks, ...


Cost: Tuition for 6-week block is $7,500. Assessment is an additional $2,000-6,000


Final Report: 4-6 weeks

Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams including CCS/TSR
  • 360-dgree assessment which includes self- and peer assessment
  • Standardized Patients (4-6 or more): interviewing, physical exam, medical reasoning, patient communication and documentation
  • Medical documentation including oral presentation and medical reasoning
  • Simulated patients (intermittently depending on specialty
  • Virtual Online Patients
  • Online essay & MCQs on communication skills, medical knowledge, and clinical reasoning
  • Presentation skills

Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Assessments are followed by a structured educational Preceptorship in a university setting with other learners (students, residents, fellows) individualized for the physician’s needs. Assessments continue throughout the duration of the Preceptorship including a final assessment at the end of the program.


777 East Park Drive
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111
(717) 909-2590 Office

Contact: Marcia A. Lammando, RN, BSN, MHSAQ 


 Assessment components can typically be completed over a period of  1-3 days once scheduled. Typical length of full program is 3-6 months, depending on additional preceptorships that may be required.

Cost:  $8,500-$10,000 for full program (can be higher or lower depending on components required.)

Final Report: Four (4) weeks following completion of all program components.

Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams including CCS/TSR
  • Neurocognitive assessment
  • Independent medical exam
  • Functional capacity exam
  • Standardized patients
  • Simulation laboratory
  • Preceptorship
  • Proctorship
  • Inter-rater reliability study
  • Medical records documentation review
  • Peer review
  • Coding audits
  • Professionalism assessment
  • Communication skills learning

Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Customized remediation recommendations are offered
  • Retesting of PLAS examinations, if necessary and available

CME Courses

  • Opioid Prescribing Practices
  • Coding/Billing Medical Records Documentation
  • Professional Boundaries

Knowledge Skills Training Assessment and Research (KSTAR)

The Rural and Community Health Institute
Crystal Park Plaza
2700 Earl Rudder Freeway South, Suite 3000
College Station, Texas 77845
(979) 436-0390 Office
(979) 436-0079 Fax

Contact: Tammy Wagner, RN, CPHQ


Assessments are done at the Texas A&M Health Science Center Simulations Center on Hwy 47 in Bryan, TX.

Length: 2 days

Cost: contact program for pricing information

Final Report: 6 weeks


Assessment Components:

  • PLAS exams
  • 360 assessment
  • Review of peer reviewed records
  • Standardized patients
  • Cognitive function screening
  • Additional tests per specialty may be included

Follow-Up Education Options:

  • Individualized Educational Plans
  • 90 day Residency at UTMB in Galveston
  • Continuous Record Monitoring (monthly)


